The cross and the light

Tempera and charcoal on board with pinewood
Rhomb 85 x 85 cm

The cross is the symbol for Jesus Christ. He died on the cross for our sins. And he is our example. Jesus said, “I am the light to the world. Whoever follows me never walks in darkness again, but has the light that gives life.“ (John 8, 12)
So: if you choose the cross, you have the light in your hands.


Tempera and charcoal on board with pinewood
Rhomb 85 x 85 cm

Worrying about tomorrow is like setting up your umbrella, because rain is predicted for tomorrow ...


Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful hart. And God’s peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4, 6-7)
Look at the birds in the air: they neither sow nor reap nor fill barns. It is God who feeds them. (Matthew 6, 26)

Keep your head above the water

Tempera and charcoal on board with pinewood
Rhomb 85 x 85 cm

Suddenly a strong wind came up, and the waves began to spill over into the boat, so that it was about to fill with water. Jesus was in the back of the boat sleeping with his head on a pillow. The disciples woke him up and said: “Teacher don’t you care that we are about to die?” Jesus stood up and commanded the wind “Be quiet!” and he said to the waves: “Be still”. The wind died down and there was a great calm. Than Jesus said to his disciples: “Why are you frightened? Have you still no faith?” (Marc 4, 37- 40)

Sweetie Pie

Tempera and charcoal on board with pinewood
50 x 62,5 cm

Smiling faces make you happy, … (Proverbs 15, 30)


Fish = ICHTHYS (in Greek). The word has a symbolic value. Every letter has a meaning: In this way you can read:
“Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior”.


Tempera and charcoal on board with pinewood
70 x 62 cm

“Real beauty is inside”, people say. Your radiance says which is in your heart.


“Being cheerful makes you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time” (Proverbs 17, 22).

… “I will put my law within them and write it on their hearts.”…(Jeremiah 31, 33)

Logos Hope Puzzle

Tempera and charcoal on mdf-plate (medium density fiberboard) with pinewood
61 x 54 cm

Sometimes in life things that happen fit like pieces of a puzzle. The ship that arrives is Logos Hope. The people on the ship want to make known their belief in Jesus Christ everywhere ( They sail around the world with books about the Lord and talking about their own experience with him.

On the waves of life...

Tempera and charcoal on board with pinewood
2 x 50 x 62,5 cm

On the waves of life

You’re a captain next to God.
To go the right course,
along the cliffs of fate...
(From an old Dutch rhyme)


Man makes his plans, but God directs his actions.
(Proverbs 16, 9)

As much power as you need

Tempera and charcoal on mdf-plate with pinewood
54 x 61 cm

She carries the problems of life and is supported in that.
Mother died, but she is still there in the background, by the things she said before. “God will always give you the power that you need. Trust in that”, she said. Her wisdom comes from the Bible.


Tempera and charcoal on mdf-plate with pinewood
68 x 52 cm, front in two parts

He died very young. Did he believe in God when he died? Will he be in heaven now?
A hand from above protects him. He did not know, but he is anchored in this hand. He is having wings now, so I suppose he is an angel...

All blessings come from above...

Tempera and charcoal on board with pinewood
72 x 62 cm

When we act like a hero, the Lord will bless us. But if we are no heroes, he will bless us too. We only have to stretch out our hand to him…

Endless consciousness with God

Tempera and charcoal on board with pinewood
37 x 60 cm

This painting is about a near death experience (NDE). There is a light at the end of the tunnel. The white dove flies towards us. The dove is the symbol of the Holy Spirit. A boat is in front. The priest sends his prayer to heaven.

Walking on a wire

Tempera and charcoal on board with pinewood
60 x 37 cm

Moslima walks carefully on the line between two crosses. The first cross is behind her back (a roman-catholic education). Now she is grasping the cross with the fish. The fish is the symbol of Christian faith.


Tempera and charcoal on board with pinewood
2 x 60 x 37 cm

Burning incense is a symbol of prayer, which rises up to God.

Left side: Looking for the inner light. Right side: Hit into our hearts we can put down the pain near the cross of Jesus. We find peace by surrendering.

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Nothing on this website may be copied without her explicit consent.